Wheat Germ Oil Manufacturers

Wheat Germ Oil: The Perfect Beauty Agent

Wheat germ oil is extracted from the wheat kernel, which makes up only 2.5% by weight of the kernel.  It is extracted by cold pressing the germ of the wheat kernel. The wheat germ is pressed with high pressure and the oil so obtained is amber to brown with a dense and nutty flavor with the thick consistency. It comprises lecithin, linoleic or omega-6, palmitic, oleic acid, vitamins A, E, D and linolenic or omega3 fatty acid. Since the oil is so thick in texture, it is blended with other oils such as lavender, sandalwood, orange, etc and then used for an application.


As an embryo is meant to develop a fetus, the same way germ of the wheat is intended to nourish the entire wheat plant. During the process of bread making, the wheat germ is removed along with the kernel when the grain is ground to white flour. And when the oil spoils quickly, it becomes easier for bread manufacturers to remove it before it loses its quality. The bread that we often eat might not contain the functional elements from the wheat germ, especially in case of white bread.  As a result of which, the benefits of wheat germ might not be utilized from the wheat-based products but from the oil itself.

Why use it?

The oil has several skins and health benefits. If the gluten allergies and intolerances are barred, it can be used by most of the people. It can be applied externally to improve blood circulation to the skin and the hair.  Also, it can be consumed in the form of the cooking oil or can be taken in its original way like any other supplement. Adding to its advantage, it is very affordable. Wheat germ oil includes several fatty acids:
•    Oleic acid
•    Palmitic acid
•    Stearic fatty acid
•    Linoleic acid
•    Linolenic acid


Wheat germ oil helps with some skin conditions, including vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema and other skin irritations and even damage from sunburn. The high content of vitamin E found in the oil proves to be helpful for people with dry and itchy skin. More than this vitamin E is thought to be an antioxidant and may improve its shelf life. It contains several unsaturated fats which benefit the body in several ways. The benefits might be of enhanced cardiovascular functions, raises good cholesterol, eliminates terrible cholesterol and reduces blood glucose levels.


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